Friday, 18 September 2015

Intro. to Blog

Life they say is not a bed of roses. Another great saying goes thus; experience is the greatest of teachers.

This year alone, I have come to understand these sayings, and though it has brought about a higher level of enlightenment, I must add that it has left a bitter-sweet taste on my (taste) buds. Many thanks - or should I have said no thanks? Hmmm… another point to ponder upon - to events gone by, I can now authoritatively say that I can relate (to an extent) with what must have been going through the great teachers mind when he said; for in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Wondering where I pulled that one out from? I guess you should have paid more attention in Sunday school!! I must add this caveat: please do ignore my dry wit; being a joke star has never been one of my strong suite!

Life can present us with topsy-turvy moments.  I have stuttered and faltered, I have made some good choices and some not so good choices, taken some wonderful advices and heeded to some awful ones, and I have learnt some bitter lessons as well encountered some excellent moments, through the journey of life thus far. Life could be depressing and yet exhilarating and varying points in time.

I see this blog as an avenue for me to write on issues of life based almost entirely on my reflections of my very own experience. I am not saying this will be a holistic template on the way to live life, No! This is in fact to me just a diary. I am inherently a very private person, bordering on being a recluse at certain instances; this has often caused my person, intentions and actions to be misrepresented by others. Maybe putting this blog out there is subconsciously my own way of expressing myself and my views. Truly, I myself cannot explain this deep-seated and persistent urge to write, it could be that it is my true self, my true passion, and my true nature that is pushing itself outward. Hmmmm…. Only time will tell I guess.

My candid advice to anyone reading, you might as well just do that for leisure! The advice, reflections, and discourse are primarily for me. After all, no two persons are ever the same, nor have the same purpose in life. I am no guru on matters that spring up in life; therefore, I will most gladly welcome any advice, guidance, corrections or suggestions.

Welcome to my journey to self-discovery. I have the feeling that events of this year and my reactions to-them-wards will play a significant role in the person I will become or the person I’m becoming.

On a final note; in case you are looking for juicy stuff, then you are somewhat in the wrong place! Cheers.

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